COVID-19 help and support

We understand that these are exceptional and challenging times, and we would like to thank you, our retailer partners, for the key role you are playing to support your local communities.

PayPoint services are operating as usual and right across the business, our teams continue to work hard to support retailers and customers; we are here to help in any way we can.

We recognise that convenience retail is busier than ever, providing essential services to communities. We also understand that the current situation means some stores may need to temporarily close or offer flexible opening hours.

If this applies to you, please do let us know by emailing [email protected] so that we can work to support you, as well as ensuring we are able to keep our store locator up to date for customers in your local community. Similarly, please do let us know via the same email address when you re-open, to enable us to bring PayPoint services back online within your store as quickly as possible.

Above all, this is a time for remaining as safe and as healthy as we all can. If you need further advice, The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has some helpful advice for retailers on the developing situation HERE.

Handling cash in-store

PayPoint is a cash service and for many customers the continued use of cash is essential for them during this difficult time. The World Health Organisation has confirmed there is no evidence that cash poses any greater risk compared to other forms of payment; see further guidance HERE.

After serving customers, it is recommended that you clean your hands regularly with an alcohol-based hand rub, or wash them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and adhere to the following government issued guidelines:

  • Avoid touching your face
  • Stay 2 metres apart from other people, including co-workers where possible
  • Where possible, limit the number of people in your shop at any one time

Clean and disinfect all technology and surfaces as frequently as you can (see below guidelines for PayPoint equipment) For more information about the steps you can take to protect yourself and your staff, visit

Please remember that PayPoint is a cash service, and not all customers will have the ability to pay by card. If you have any questions or need any further support, please get in touch with our team by emailing [email protected]

Wash your hands Avoid touching your face Keep distance

Cleaning guidance for PayPoint equipment

COVID-19 has naturally caused some concern and questions around keeping store environments clean and healthy as possible. Here is some guidance to keep your PayPoint equipment clean and in good operation.

PayPoint One

  • Clean the main screen of the terminal using a non-bleach disinfectant wipe
  • An alcohol wipe can also be used to clean the main screen, but please be careful not to touch the sides or casing of the terminal as this may cause discoloration
  • Do not use bleach and avoid getting any moisture in the device’s openings
  • Never submerge the product in water or any cleaning agents

Card Services

Guidance from Ingenico in relation to iPP350 and iPP320 PIN Pads

  • Wipe down the outside of your terminal with a soft cloth that is dampened with soapy water
  • Do not clean the electrical connections
  • Do not spray cleaners directly on the payment terminal
  • Do not use solvents, detergents or abrasive products (except options listed below) as they may damage the plastic or electrical contacts. Options that may be used include: Sani Cloth (Plus, HB or Super), Hydro alcoholic solution
  • Avoid excessive wiping, which might cause damage
  • Do not get moisture into any openings or use aerosol sprays
  • Avoid exposing the terminal to the direct rays of the sun
  • Do not put anything into the slot of the smart card reader
  • Alcohol cleaning solutions (isopropyl solution 70%) cannot be used on the plastic display lenses


One of our ATM partners NCR has issued guidance provided by the Center for Disease Control on cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces. This can be found HERE.